Zatpark Hybrid Mail

Hybrid Mail is a time and cost saving option of Zatpark that enables the automated print, post and delivery of Zatpark generated correspondence via a hybrid mail provider.

Save administration time on packing and posting

This has huge advantages over sending documents manually. You will save on all the administrative time required to print the documents, collate and then stuff and seal envelopes, add stamps or franking, and then arrange for the items to be collected by the post office or other mail provider.

Save storage, printing, and postal costs

Hybrid Mail removes the need to allow for the cost of paper, envelopes and printer ink as well as somewhere to store them.

Hybrid Mail removes all these costs to your business for a simple item cost.

Get in touch!

Contact us today to learn how our Hybrid Mail solution can help you.

Arrange to speak to a member of the Zatpark team about Hybrid Mail.